Climate Change I hope this is not to political but it is so important

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Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
put down the coolaid mate and come out side and see my perpetual motion machine....

Not a big fan of Jim Jones and his Welsh pussycat fixation I'm afraid or anyone else women chuck their knickers at! :D

As for Kool-aid anything you drink that can't be put in a metal container because it reacts can't be good for you, it's going to kill you sooner or later. Societal Kool-Aid is listening and believing the Brussels Brainwashing Corpse or the American Faux (Fox) News et al, I don't subscribe to absorbing that. I'm the last one to be drinking any Kool-Aid thank you very much.

Did you know that George BUSH Jr. admitted to being a pubic wig. "He was heard to say "I'm proud to be A-merkin!":lmao:
He also said "This would be a lot easier if it was a Dictatorship". Nice lead in for Barry Soetoro there then, all those Executive Orders and bare faced infringements of the Constitution whilst he is 'the most powerful man in the World', give me a break.

And perpetual motion machine, ha, lots of cranks and charlatans out there. However double layer charge separation in water creating an exclusion zone EZ and ordered water at the surface or the interface with hydrophilic substances such as Nafion looks very interesting. This has huge implications for supplying pure water as well, ever running, no maintenance and with no energy input but natural IR, wow. See Dr. Pollack, University of Washington Professor of Bioengineer HoD. Awesome lecturer with highly significant implications: [video=youtube;XVBEwn6iWOo] nsiZpc5vFAK_McPubqQZPw2zkbUBP[/video]

The cavitation of water along with electrolysis looks even more interesting as an energy source. There was an Horizon program that looked at this though the man who discovered the most interesting aspect was murdered after trying to obtain funding. The Belgians did it!;)

Thorium has been mentioned already of course. There are other alternatives as well but though they occasionally get picked up by local news they always get squashed and not because they don't work or have significant promise. As I have said before, my Father's work colleague at British Aerospace created and patented an everlasting light bulb way back when. It never came to market, he retired early in comfort thank you very much! Most informed people know the ILB was designed to burnout after 1k hours.
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Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
Fracking is just a quick stop gap and not the answer it is made out to be. My personal view is we will still need gas with some form of Carbon Capture (not fracking), Nuclear ( and all its problems) and renewables wind and tidal. These all have problems and need time to be developed time which the energy industry does not have. this is why fracking is so attractive to the govenment.

I heard on the grapevine that fracking had caused an earthquake and damage in Liverpool today. I asked how they could tell that it had caused damage in Liverpool! Someone else suggested we do more fracking in the area and see if we can't hit a 9! Harsh.

If we could capture all the hot gas coming out of politicians our energy concerns would be over.

I agree with nuclear but not with using U235, too flipping dangerous. What were we thinking? Ah, weapons, that is what we were thinking.

Tidal, well we could dam the Bristol channel. Wind, a flipping eyesore and Germany has stopped development last I heard, just doesn't cut it. I'd like to see more biomass use and woodgas, trees are nature's carbon sequestering system and if nothing else provides more places to hang a hammock. We could go back to coal gas of course to meet our energy needs, the island is made out of coal, we are surrounded by ocean and it never stops raining, only complete idiots can make a mess of that.
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M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
..... That said, the Amerkins didn't develop Nukes using a private company as such and yet the technology also got passed to us (not the highest bidder), the Ruskies too I gather! The Israelis are pretty much accepted as having enough nukes to turn the Middle East into a glass parking lot if push came to shove into the sea. It has been more than just M16s and General Electric TVs shipping to Tele Aviv! Remember the film 'The Sum of All Fears'? The US struck with one of its own exported nukes if I remember rightly, interesting premise.

Remember the Russians claimed they were only lagging behind the Yanks and Brits because their Nazi Scientists weren't as good as our Nazi Scientists, Operation Paperclip and all that? It may have also had something to do with Communism of course....

You have your timeline confused. We developed (and USED) nukes during WWII. The arguement about "our Nazi scientist vs their Nazi scientists" wasn't until after the war when both sides had captured said scientists and were working on rockets, not nukes.


Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
You have your timeline confused. We developed (and USED) nukes during WWII. The arguement about "our Nazi scientist vs their Nazi scientists" wasn't until after the war when both sides had captured said scientists and were working on rockets, not nukes.

No timeline confusion here Santaman but for the fact I didn't make myself clear enough, I wasn't claiming they were lagging behind getting the first bombs set off because of their inferior Nazis, haha what a thought, just that they were lagging behind in advanced weaponry development including delivery methods and the further develop of of nukes because of the same. And of course we are still working on nukes and lots of other 'fun' exotic and horrific weaponry as well. Lets not go there lest we scare some people, modern high yield neutron nukes are bad enough without getting into space based stuff and engineered 99% morbidity biologicals etc. I hope that clears up the misunderstanding and thanks for pulling me up on it so I could clarify. :)
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Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
Quote Originally Posted by Midnitehound :

"I have no idea whether we have anti-gravity Corso, just reporting my experience and that it was an eyeopener at the time that made me look outside of the box as it were."

mountainm said:
Midnitehound said:
I have no idea

Well I couldn't let that one slip :p

Seriously? This is getting uncomfortably embarrassing. :slap: Still can't award you the Touche I'm afraid. :neo2: Stop snickering guys. :rofl:

If you are going to take a dig at someone it is best to use a spade, a rapier wit (that is not proceeded with a 't') or a blunt force instrument other than a boomerang! :viking:

Tell you what, sleep on it and see if you can do better tomorrow. I promise I'll give credit where credit is due, there is a shiny 'Touche' waiting here for you with your name on it. Sleeptite. :p

Oh, flash of inspiration, a Touche Turtle Trophy awarded on a linear basis around the fire at the NC, :pirate: trophy format to be decided. Award procedure to be on a Proposer Repeat, Seconder, Vote system. Perhaps also a small chalk board to record the Touche Tally throughout the evening, what fun. Another one to add to the Buckaroo Trophy that 'The Management' felt they should have been consulted on first. :( In which case it has 'awaiting approval' status. ;)

Now, back to the OP. :sun:

And before anyone asks, as NC residents can attest, no I don't sleep, much! :hammock:
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May 12, 2004
One problem with biomass and Ill bring in biofules as energy sources is the land it takes up which could best be used for growing food. One answer being used is the Neo colonialism route the third world has plenty of land. This is a route I have to say I am not keen on myself better we help them develop their land for food production.


White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
NO place for hope with some of you guys is there, no chance a thread could just die a death or not go even further down hill. There's a good few of you (I'm speaking generally here) that whine, moan and throw your toys out the pram when threads are locked or removed from the forums and yet we are not the catalyst for doing it, you are. I ask for the thread to die, I make a point of being humorous while explaining it from our perspective and it's ignored.
Phil (Midnighthound) I even took the time to send you a PM to say thanks for making a humorous end to things (or something along those lines) what another waste of my time, you've just continue blathering on keeping the thread alive so that it can further degenerate, impressive. There's been the odd good post since I asked for the thread to die, thank you for anyone that's contributed to that.

This is a general statement - In the future don't whine when we just close threads or remove them, just assume that we find it hard to justify the time making everyone feel nice when they in fact don't care a whit about our efforts and the work they/you create for us, especially when we have to read pages of drivel just to find the odd gem of a post to see if that justifies a thread staying open, yet we are expected to read the pages of drivel and take up our time doing so, that leaves us in the position of cracking down on threads earlier, cracking down on those that insist on pushing their luck with the rules and their attitudes, and those that ignore prompts, hints, requests etc from mods regarding threads. If we do this many of you will get up in arms about your rights and the way you're treated so unfairly, how horrid the mod are etc, I have to say though that it become a more and more valid alternative to trying to be considerate in our moderating and the justification of our time when it's so un-reciprocated.

Thanks for your consideration.

I have to admit that i'm really quite conscious where threads like this go in their meandering, although most often they don't really meander so much as get shoved off track with a tank, so I'm actually fairly upbeat about this thread in as much as it's not become a personal war between people with them throwing vitriol filled Molotov's at each other followed by the "I know where you live and I used to like you till you had a different opinion than me, how dare you, I'm not coming for tea and scones there!!!!" attitudes that prevail when religion, politics, environmental issues and sometimes other issues that are very individual to the individual getting uptight.....

Anyway, I would like this thread to stop going down the route of slagging people off, making statements about their intelligence (even if they make mistakes they really are more intelligent (in many areas) than most of us, their knowledge etc etc. There's a difference between "I don't agree with so and so, because of this fact" and "He's a idiot" when more often than not he's not an idiot at all, it's just a bit too general to be comfortable on my forum, I'm sure you all get the point i'm making...the difference between a well measured remark and a generalised slagging off of others with different opinions.

This thread does seem to be getting to the end of it's life, which makes me sad, we all too often let threads carry on running, hoping that one day in our lifetimes a potentially contentious subject thread will be born that goes against it's genes and social norms and emerge resistant to people's moods, whims and hangups that all too often ring the bell of doom. Ahh, another hope raised and then squashed like a pesky bug....we the admin and mods seem to live a life of dashed hopes....but i'm sure that one day such a thread will emerge to reward our patience.....maybe.

Anyway, I'm waffling on and i've really not got time to and maybe I should be a lot more serious about this, but when we are serious that seem to upset people as well, so, umm, maybe the people are hard to please....could be.

So, I think this thread probably has run it's useful life, maybe it could just die a death rather than us close it, or have to completely remove it when people start saying what they really feel about each other :D

Here's hoping.....
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