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Full Member
Jan 2, 2004
Manchester UK
One of my major contributions to the environment that I'm very proud of is simply "Not Breeding". IMO the most damaging thing you can do to the planet is put another consumer on it.


Spoon worrier
Jun 13, 2009
Madison, WI
I thinks it's good step in the right direction. Not too long ago nobody even thought of trying to off-set their impact in the world. You're right in saying that her act is more symbolic than anything but it does show a change in attitudes. Like it's already been said, we can't buy our way out of environmental disaster. An electric car is no good if the electricity is produced by a coal fired power plant. Neither can we look at this as a global problem. It is a global problem, but looking at it that way is just too big. The great thing about bushcraft is that it makes people appreciate their local surroundings. We can't try to save the world all at once, but we can make sure that the woods behind our house are doing alright. If everybody does that, we should do alright. I hope :S

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
The whole environmental movement is based on a false premise.

The war cry is "Save The Planet" as if we can destroy a planet. OK, I'm sure if we put our mind to it we could actually destroy it.

What they mean is, we are making the planet unsuitable for humans to live on. Big difference.

I hate the destruction of natural habitat but I have resigned myself to accept it.

Growth is the new god. No country will accept that their economy should remain static or shrink. So birthrates are allowed to continue at an unsustainable level to provide a market for goods and services to drive the economy.

More people = more pollution; CO2; land concreted over and the rest.

All the crap about "Carbon Trading" is just another way for filthy rich people to become more obscenely rich and will do nothing to halt global warming.

So, to save my sanity, I am not going to get upset about somat that I'm powerless to prevent.:(

What he said. The rest is purely posturing Canutism.


mr dazzler

Aug 28, 2004
I think as far as Ms Lewis is concerned, the adoption of co2 offsetting is a cynical and trendy marketing ploy, as it is with all the rich people. "Reaching out" to the envoromentally conscious :rolleyes:. She is also similarly "reaching out" to those with tattoos, she just had one done on her back aparently. To increase the size of her fan base, increase sales, consolidate her establishment rating etc etc......


Aug 23, 2009
I wish the scientific community could be direct and honest regarding the issues of global warming. Science is, after all, fact, rather than opinion, so it souldn't be too difficult to come up with some kind of concensus, however unpopular that may be.

The environmental debate aside, I do think that this whole 'plant a tree' rubbish from celebrities, looking to cynically manipulate the stupid is infuriating. How about preseve and give public access to a few hundred acres of rainforest or woodland. That would at least be a little worthwhile, that, and using public transport or renewable energy would be a start to off setting their repugnant, greedy use of world resources.

Keeping the number of spawn they produce to a minimum is the one provable way of reducing their carbon footprint. a second child uses an insane amount of resources in western cultures.

If people really want to change for a more environmentally sound way of life, big changes are required, not token gestures that pretty much ridicule the scale of the problem. It also gives people, who are less informed, an incorrect idea of the scale of the waste of the finite resources on the planet.

I'm not a tree hugger - I just cant bear token gestures or indiscriminate waste.
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The most recent studies are actually suggesting(to the point of proving) that co2 is in actual fact a very important coolant, there is absolutely no connection between ANY form of co2 and global warming let alone man made.

I am a conservationist but I insist that our time money and attention be focussed in the right direction, such as"get your filthy slimey hands off of that rain forest" campaigns

No Carbon- no trees. - we die. Simple as that

Trees and plants flourish in higher carbon atmospheres and if we are gong to feed this ridiculously large population of homo sapien then we had better stop trying to cut the co2 levels, as a matter of fact we need to get it as high as we can.

In the meantime, we need to focus on renewable fuels as it won't last for ever.


Jun 7, 2009
Nr Reading
Many people mention the prius above, and you hear of all these big names getting them to "do their bit". The thing is if you look in more detail, it may be a hybrid but it is still far from economical and most modern small diesel hatchbacks will contribute much less CO2 to the atmosphere. The prius when not running off the battery is so uneconomical that it pretty much cancels out all the battery goodness, and lets not forget that the battery is still charged from the gas guzzling engine anyway. Also the process that goes into making the battery for the prius envolves very energy intensive processes, much more than that of a standard car...


An yet one of the leading scientist on climate change and former chairman of the IPCC Sir Johnn Houghton told us in a talk at my 6th form a few weeks back that he drives a prius. Oh dear.
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Jan 25, 2006
The most recent studies are actually suggesting(to the point of proving) that co2 is in actual fact a very important coolant, there is absolutely no connection between ANY form of co2 and global warming let alone man made.
OK, so having studied environmental sustainability at post grad level for the past three years, I have to ask how does that work? :confused:
It goes against the laws of physis and chemistry as we know them! Can you cite the peer reviewed papers as I would like to incorporate them into my next paper.

The warming effects of CO2 have been an established scientific fact for well over 100 years (just no one thought it was a problem then, or thought it was worth doing anything to change)(and as for science and concensus, the whole point of science is that this is the best we know at the moment, but our knowledge will improve/change over time)

I guess ocean acidification through increasing CO2 is also a 'good thing' for all the animals that currently live there? At least over time it will increase rock weathering processes.

No Carbon- no trees. - we die. Simple as that

Trees and plants flourish in higher carbon atmospheres and if we are gong to feed this ridiculously large population of homo sapien then we had better stop trying to cut the co2 levels, as a matter of fact we need to get it as high as we can.

In the meantime, we need to focus on renewable fuels as it won't last for ever.
No carbon, no life:rolleyes:
We are mostly water and carbon. Carbon is the basis for all life. I have never heard anyone suggesting we ought to get rid of it.

And again where is your evidence for raised CO2 levels and plant growth?
Ten years ago there was a theory that raising CO2 levels would increase photosynthesis rates, but studies done more recently show that unless all factors are raised i.e. Nitrogen content, sunlight hours, stomatal pores etc, there will be no net gain.
In fact you are likely to get plant with less nutritional value, tougher skins and actually reduced stomatal pores (some plants in the south of england have reduced there pore density by up to 40% in the past 20yrs).

But I do think that the whole CO2 thing has been talked about in very ominous fatalistic terms, which just switches people off. No one likes to change, but then if we consider the rapid changes that have taken place in society over the past 60 years, we also are very good at forgetting change once it has happened. How many people had cars or flew then?

But yes, save the rainforests, try and reinstate our own northern forests that we all but eliminated.
As for Ms Lewis, if she feels the need to plant trees and it helps raise awareness, then I think that is positive, however it does reinforce that we can do whatever we like and put it on credit for later. (Good article BTW Alchemist)
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It amazes me how much the public have been duped over this global warming scam.
It's almost like suggesting the world has been at the same temperature for the last 4 billion years.

We have had times with much higher temperatures than this, and with 10x the amount of co2,(before man's deliverance upon this earth, so where did it come from?)

The Earth has been warming and cooling since it's formation. Giving us Ice Ages and balmy warm periods, the Romans were growing grapes in Newcastle for instance, and Lion and Hippo lived here in the UK.

We then entered into a period known as The Little Ice Age, and there are historical pictures of markets and fayres being held on the frozen Thames.
We are now emerging from The Little Ice Age, and are returning slowly back to what temperatures were before its inception.
Where the science goes wrong, is that we only started taking official temperatures a couple of hundred years ago, and at that point we were in the middle of the Ice Age, and so figures suggest that we are heating up at a huge rate, well maybe we are, but we are still WELL below the temperatures of the Medieval period( pre car, industrial revolution and ANY man made CO2), and have a long way to go to attain them.

We are now emerging from The Little Ice Age, and we are warming up, but its totally normal to do this. The Earth has ALWAYS done this.
If you take the figures given by the Alarmists and take them over the last few years it's easy to see why they get away with blaming warming on CO2, however with a little more research it's possible to see that not one piece of the argument stands up to even the slightest amount of scrutiny, It's all based on REALLY bad science.
Yes we are warming up, its natural, and if you want to find out what drives our Earth's temperature, then look out the window at that massive ball of radio active material that has been raging away next to us for the last 4.5 billion years, that might have a little to to with it, coupled with a few other entities that are never spoken about by Gore and Co, such as Precession, Milankovitch Cycles etc All far more influential than a very tiny amount of CO2

Al Gore is currently being sued by 30,000 scientists over misleading information in his presentation called " An Inconvenient Truth" The Alarmists base much of their evidence on this presentation, yet it has been thoroughly discredited by thousands of Environmental Scientists as being nonsense, and totally misleading

It was only 25 years ago, that they were telling us that we were slipping back into another ice age.

The Global Warming SCAM is nothing more than a tax raiser, and the sooner we all wake up to this fact, the sooner we can take REAL action and do the right thing, and that is to stop deforestation and other REAL forms of pollution, something that is rarely spoken about and totally overshadowed by the Global Warming Scam.

Actually have you noticed that the name has changed to "Climate Change", that happened shortly after it was revealed that the last ten years are colder than the previous ten years.


Jan 25, 2006
We have had times with much higher temperatures than this, and with 10x the amount of co2,(before man's deliverance upon this earth, so where did it come from?)
As someone said, its not a problem for the planet. Only for the life adapted to living in the planet in the current conditions.

The Earth has been warming and cooling since it's formation. Giving us Ice Ages and balmy warm periods, the Romans were growing grapes in Newcastle for instance, and Lion and Hippo lived here in the UK.
Yes, it is only the rate of change that is diferent at the moment.

Well Ok asteroids and massive volcanic erruptions have changed it more suddenly, in the past (causing 80% of all life on earth to go extinct, but thats OK non of them were human:rolleyes:)

Yes we are warming up, its natural, and if you want to find out what drives our Earth's temperature, then look out the window at that massive ball of radio active material that has been raging away next to us for the last 4.5 billion years, that might have a little to to with it,
That has a lot to do with it.
And the more I find out about that the more it worries me.
Tempratures on earth are affected by loads of things, albedo (reflection back into space of light/heat), chemical composition of the atmosphere (both low and high), cloud cover, ocean circulation, number of particulates in the atmosphere, sun activity (which has been at an all time low over the past 10yrs). The sun is getting warmer though and will keep getting warmer, until it expands enough to consume the earth entirely. Natural processes keep the earth (currently) at a stable(ish) temprature.

It was only 25 years ago, that they were telling us that we were slipping back into another ice age.
They are presumably the oceanographers who study ocean circulation and glaciologists. The MOC (or Gulf stream for shorthand) has decreased in strength, leading to fears there may localised cooling in the north atlantic (we are, going on past history of ice ages, at the end of an interglacial and about due for another iceage) but the IPCC says its unlikely to happen now due to a general warming trend. And as we cannot as a species think very well outside our realm of experience, if it feels colder here then its obviously colder everywhere

The Global Warming SCAM is nothing more than a tax raiser, and the sooner we all wake up to this fact, the sooner we can take REAL action and do the right thing, and that is to stop deforestation and other REAL forms of pollution, something that is rarely spoken about and totally overshadowed by the Global Warming Scam.

I'll happily agree with you on that (or at least points of it;)) taxing our way to change will not work.
And natural resource destruction and pollution have been overshadowed by the climate change debate for too long.
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Ok Silver Girl, thanks for the reply, I could spend hours typing this out, but in all honesty it would be better if you simply googled the facts that you wish to check out, the net is flooded with info on it.

It's a click away,

You could start by looking for The Great Global Warming Swindle on Google videos, this will certainly get you started.
Keep your mind open and you will see the amount of misinformation that has been dealt into the system, and how anyone that dares to question it is classed as an outcast and demonized, as a non believer.
Its what they don't tell you that upsets me the most, such as the fact that the biggest green house gas is water vapour in the form of clouds, hence(in its simplest form) why its frosty on a clear night and warmer on a cloudy night.

As for the IPCC, well that is the corrupt organisation designed to disseminate the false information, and has the sole purpose of "proving" Climate Change due to man made Co2, Funded by billions of dollars of taxpayers money, this despicable bunch should be jailed for international fraud and corruption.
Hundreds of scientists have walked away in disgust at the IPCC's behaviour and some have started legal action against them for misquoting their statements.

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Need to contact Admin...
Jun 9, 2008
This is not directed at anyone in particular (although it may appear so. But honestly, it isn't) - but have you ever noticed how the phrase 'keep an open mind' usually translates into 'be a gullible fool and believe anything'?
This is not directed at anyone in particular (although it may appear so. But honestly, it isn't) - but have you ever noticed how the phrase 'keep an open mind' usually translates into 'be a gullible fool and believe anything'?

What "keep an open mind" means is don't believe the propaganda crap that pours out of the TV everyday, start thinking for yourself and check out and listen to other sides of the science, something that as of yet has been hidden/ denied from and to the general public.

The evidence is overwhelming, and so is the action in the court rooms.


Need to contact Admin...
Jun 9, 2008
What "keep an open mind" means is don't believe the propaganda crap that pours out of the TV everyday, start thinking for yourself and check out and listen to other sides of the science, something that as of yet has been hidden/ denied from and to the general public.

The evidence is overwhelming, and so is the action in the court rooms.

You've tripped yourself up here. Because YOU are believing someone else's 'propaganda crap' - the 'other side of science'. The irony of that is so often lost...


Need to contact Admin...
Jun 9, 2008
Ok Durulz

I think you have tripped yourself up mate, as I think you missed the bit where I said THINK FOR YOURSELF

At what point were you thinking for yourself when you decided to listen to 'the other side of science'?
I'm not going to get into a discussion on this - it'll just run in circles. If you can't see the point I was making then I suppose your eyes aren't as open as you suppose they are.
I'll allow you to have the final word - I don't want to get drawn further into this. Cheers.


Mar 19, 2009
I think that keeping your mind open is great advice but the ideas you keep your mind open to should be filtered and you should always have a skeptical eye on the facts you are told. There's always a huge number of people saying "Go read it on the internet" but the stuff you find is rarely trustworthy. Just because some bloke makes a video or spouts a load of facts doesn't actually make them true (especially if it's Alex Jones).

If you stick to proper scientific studies in journals that have been peer reviewed the evidence tends towards the damning for the man made global warming situation (moreso if you listen to actual climatologists rather than just any old bod who's been to university and feels qualified to comment).

I listen to this podcast every week:

It's acually quite amusing and engaging but is always full of excellent advice on spotting logical falacies and how to improve critical thinking skills.


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