are we still allowed to be survivalists?

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May 16, 2006
North Yorkshire
Well said Tony,

I was intending to post a similar reply a few days ago, but my internet connection dropped as i was about to post so that was 40 minutes work down the drain :rant:

Call it what you want, learn what you like and what you are interested in, and more importantly enjoy what you do.

As long as you are enjoying it and not hurting anyone else in the process that should be the main crux of matters.

I don't think this thread is worth much more consideration as everything that needs to be said has been said and people have their opinions that they are entitled to.


May 26, 2006
andyn said:
:eek: typo mate...well spotted LOL.

The old badge used to be better too imo, far more appropriate


When I did the badge it was called 'Backwoodsman'

The training we had had more of a survival slant though - every weds night for about 8 weeks we went to another troops hut and had theory lessons from a man who I'm pretty sure was in E Squadron 21 SAS.

We then went to the District campsite and spent 2 nights in the woods in a shelter we had built ourselves, we learnt trapping, fishing, firelighting, shelter building, how to skin a rabbit and cook it, water purification, solar stills etc. etc.

Happy days..


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
I did about three weeks in the cubs as a kid, and thought it was boring! We were learning how to read a bus time table, maybe an important skill I don't know, but I would rather have been out in the woods doing out in the woods stuff!!

I do worry for organizations such as scouts, cadet forces and others that include children, as the way the public view an honest straight person who works with children. They seem to be regarded with suspicion by the vast majority, especially the media, and I think that is disgusting. This is evident in things such as two adults need to be present, so that nothing untoward can occur, or at least that is how it works over here for the kids within the forces community. Maybe there are a few bad apples in the barrel, but can't we just let the rest get on with what they do well, teaching kids how to enjoy themselves.

Scuba Pete

Nov 3, 2005
drstrange said:
Ok, firstly I'm glad that Tony the mod stepped in with his 2 pennyworth because I think his statement was definitive and should end the discussion, Is there anyway of making this thread read only, because it might be better to leave it up and refer people to it if anyone starts the argument again.

Secondly, the scout thing, (partly/mostly my fault) has, (amongst other things ranging from Roman slang to Python) taken the thread in other directions, this is of course because most people who have read this thread realise the insignificance of the original quiery and the orbital nature of the ensuing arguements.

I would however, like to offer a contribution regarding Scouting in the form of a suggestion.

Evolve. Try something new, ditch the term 'Scouting' altogether, the recent interest in bushcraft/survival/fieldcraft is the direction that the whole outdoor skill scene is moving in so move with it. The image and paraphinalia of scouting is becomming more and more of an irrelivant anachronism. The image of scouting is, I feel, almost irredeemably tarnished by rumour and report, and by your own indication about the impending TV series, its only going to get worse, and if you want to see what is in store for it in the not so distant future, just look at the american scout movement which in in serious trouble at the moment as evidence of it's concealment of abuse is almost comparable to the Catholic Church. I'm sorry, but there's no smoke without fire (I realy am sorry about the appropriateness of the phrase) but sensible people within the scouting movement should seriously be thinking about a complete break with the old. Also, whatever form any new movement takes, for baden's sake make it tuly unisexual.

I don't know what uniforms scouts wear thesedays but personally, I think that the idea of uniforms, and a true appreciation and synthetic cohesion with the natural world are at odds. Drop uniforms, they suck.

I'm not sure about the term 'Leader' either, do the children get the oppotunity to vote who leads them or are they just led? Zodiac, you yourself said that you disagreed with church parade but would march your scout group if the religious ceremony was Bhuddist, why should children be marched in the name of any religion? I'm afraid that, in my opinon, this attitude is irreconcilable with the universal principal of freedom which we begin to aapreciate when we start to commune with natures rhythmns, when doing 'bushcrafty' things.

Society has a strange way of rejecting aspects of itself which it considers irrellivant or no longer useful, no matter how useful they have been in the past. It is the process of evolution on a sociopolitical scale, which is always an almalgamation of individual choices, not through random chance. Humour always plays a primary role in this process, as it has a tempering effect and provides acceptable tethers with which to refernce the entrire issue before its rejection.

Personally, my experiance of scouting was a very depressing one, I witnessed first hand, severe corporal punnishment being dished out to a 'cub' whilst the scout group in the same building were forced to watch it, you can imagine my sense of anger at the hypocrysy of being marched on 'church parade' the following Sunday. It was only in scouts, nowhere else did I ever witness anything like it, I kept quiet about it then, like the other scouts through fear, but I am certainly not going to keep quiet about it now, and I will voice my opinion, no matter who is offended.

One has to seriously question the motives of anyone who wants to work with young boys period, this point is not negotiable as far as I'm concerned. Any parent who has any reasonabe degree of social awareness will be reluctant at sending their child into the classic scouting environment for obvious reasons, and any potential scout leader with a similar awareness will be reluctant to join for obvious reasons.

The world/society has changed and although scoutings future in it is in doubt, children will always need guidence and help to cultivate and nurture their intrinsic sense of adventure, so this work should continue. I think I might take a look at the 'bushcrafting for kids' thread as this might be relevant.

I am not intending to offend, I know that there must be a lot of 'decent' people with healthy motive involved with the scouts movement. This is my opinion, right, wrong or otherwise.

You have got some real problems. You say you don't want to offend but you are implying that people that want to work with kids are child molesters. I work with children and what you said is very offensive to me.

If you don't like the scouts that’s your opinion, but to undermine and tarnish the reputation of an organisation like the scouts based on your own personal feelings is appalling. If it was as bad as you said you should have reported it to the police. Your post is very irresponsible

I was in the cubs/scouts for many years. It was some of the best years of my life and I have a lot of good memories. I have nothing negative to say about it at all. I would recommend to everyone.

I started camping again and I am enjoying the outdoors a lot. It is great to put the skills I learnt as a boy into practice again. It does not matter what you call it, I enjoy it just the same.


Sep 22, 2003
Aldershot, Hampshire, UK
Pete - I was going to post something along the line of "I think you're misrepresenting what DrStange has put"; but then I reread his post and found this:
One has to seriously question the motives of anyone who wants to work with young boys period, this point is not negotiable as far as I'm concerned. Any parent who has any reasonabe degree of social awareness will be reluctant at sending their child into the classic scouting environment for obvious reasons, and any potential scout leader with a similar awareness will be reluctant to join for obvious reasons.

Now, I'm an easy going bloke really, with a fairly laid back attitude. However, I'm also a Scouter, and am friends with many others. So with the greatest possible respect I would like to say to DrStrange:

"Is there something you wish to accuse me, or any of the other scouters upon this board, of?"


White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
Ok, now this thread has taken an ugly turn and that's going to get it closed down as it's got personal. I'm not sure what the comment implied but I can see why people are getting upset and I’m loath to leave this open, although there's a chance it will come round...a slim one though. Some reconsidering might be in order.


Apr 25, 2006
Sussex, England
Drstrange, yesterdays posts on this thread were rather funny, but I think you have gone beyond the pale with this post.

Now, I'm not involved with the Scouts and to be honest I wouldn't have the patiences to be. That said I know a number of people who are and the one factors that links them all is that they are the parents of cubs, scouts etc and have taken to helping solely so that their little brat can continue to learn and enjoy within the scouting movement.

Me thinks there's an apology due here!



Sep 22, 2003
Aldershot, Hampshire, UK
Tony - I apologise to you if you consider my question out of order. However I hope you can understand the anger I feel about the comments that caused me to post it in the first place.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 15, 2005
spamel said:
I did about three weeks in the cubs as a kid, and thought it was boring! We were learning how to read a bus time table, maybe an important skill I don't know, but I would rather have been out in the woods doing out in the woods stuff!!

I do worry for organizations such as scouts, cadet forces and others that include children, as the way the public view an honest straight person who works with children. They seem to be regarded with suspicion by the vast majority, especially the media, and I think that is disgusting. This is evident in things such as two adults need to be present, so that nothing untoward can occur, or at least that is how it works over here for the kids within the forces community. Maybe there are a few bad apples in the barrel, but can't we just let the rest get on with what they do well, teaching kids how to enjoy themselves.

To be fair mate, and im certainly not disagreeing with what you said as I think the systems are out of control now, but to a certain extent it is there for the protection of the adults too. How many cry wolf abusements have there been where its been one person's word against the other.
I have a friend who is/was a teacher that was accused of abusing a girl in his class, it went to court and finally she turned round and said she had made it up. But by then his carear at that school was ruined and has now ended up moving to another county to try and find another job.

I do have to disagree with the comment about sending kids to scouts and any other youth organisation as a bad idea though. As has been said by a few others of which i share their enthusiam towards scouts, I loved my time at scouts and still proudly wear my proficency badges on my old scout blanket. Something that a few people from here will testify to as i still use it now and again. :eek: :D


Full Member
Dec 14, 2004
andyn said:
I have a friend who is/was a teacher that was accused of abusing a girl in his class, it went to court and finally she turned round and said she had made it up. But by then his carear at that school was ruined and has now ended up moving to another county to try and find another job.

I too have seen this too many times and its a sad state of affairs for all involved its a shame our society especially our media cant just take a step back and see the bigger real picture but that doesn't get viewers or sell copies

sad very sad

but on the bright side in two weeks i start teacher training:eek: then you'll all have to call me Mr Lenton :D


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
andyn said:
To be fair mate, and im certainly not disagreeing with what you said as I think the systems are out of control now, but to a certain extent it is there for the protection of the adults too. How many cry wolf abusements have there been where its been one person's word against the other.
I have a friend who is/was a teacher that was accused of abusing a girl in his class, it went to court and finally she turned round and said she had made it up. But by then his carear at that school was ruined and has now ended up moving to another county to try and find another job.

I see this as a fair and valid point, but doesn't this also reflect on how society treats people in this line of work? You're basically guilty until proven innocent these days, and the fact that kids would do this sort of thing also goes to show that they lose their innocence so much earlier then what it used to be. :soapbox:



White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
Ok, it’s time this isn’t going anywhere now and this is a subject that generated bad feeling. I’m not fussed about people’s opinion, but as I said I can understand why people are upset. This is only going to go down hill so it’s best shelved, which is a shame as it ended up surviving for quite a while :D


Jul 9, 2006
I am truly sorry to have given the impression that all or even most scout leaders are potential peadophiles, I certainly didn't mean to, I'll try to chose my words more carefully in future.

What I was trying to say was that there are obvious reasons why people may be reluctant to send their children along to any of the various groups, and why adults might not want to get involved, and this is precisely why people who want to work with children need to be vetted properly, so that the general public can be confident that their children are being left in the care of people whose motives have been checked to whatever degree that they can be. This will also be benifcial to the leaders who can continue their work with a reduced fear of suspiscion. Also, I am not that naive to think that what I experienced in scouts is what happened everywhere, but i think that it is dangerous to believe that it was an isolated incident as well. And when children's safety is involved, the stakes couldn't be higher, no matter how rare the incidents are.

I was also suggesting to 'leaders' within the movement to change it from within, take the helm so to speak and move the whole thing on in a radical way, and I wouldn't have referenced them if I thought they were all pervs.

And also, sexual matters aren't the only reasons why peoples motives need to be questioned, there are many different reasons why someone might not be suitable to 'lead' children, the whole idea of wanting to be in a position of power over others has numerous implications regarding the mind condition of a potential applicant, that is just basic psychology. That is why the police force carries out meticulous psychometric profiling of all aplicants who wish to join the force, because it knows what kind of people a can be attracted to it for the power trip, and how detremental their effects can be on the reputation of the force as a whole.

But I'm only one person, it's not my words which are going to bring scrutiny upon the whole scouting movement, I suspect that is going to happen regardless.

Just in case there is any doubt: for my own reasons, and to confirm the suspiscions of people who question my bias: I don't like quasi-military organisations which recruit children, that goes for scouts, cubs, sea cadets, army cadets, boys brigade, salvation army, girl guides, brownies etc. and this dislike does affect my opinion and my posts, no matter how fair I try to be.

As I said in my earlier text, I may be wrong, right or otherwise, but I don't claim to 'have the Truth with a capital 'T', theres too many people already doing that in the world.

It doesn't mean that I think that people who are involved in them aren't thoroughly decent chaps and lasses. I just think that the model of these institutions is no longer relevant or healthy, why do we have to blend military/parade/uniform/morality/discipline/war in with bush and survival craft?
Surely our imaginations can come up with something better.

Guys, girls, scout leaders and scouts, we are all wonderful and mysterious and suprising, let's try to make sure that we never gag ourselves into mediocrity.
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Mar 6, 2006
Kent UK
The Scout Assocaition has changed significantly over the past 10 years and I would love to take you to a few meeting so that you could see for yourself.

* We are fully mixed
* We have an ex-Blue Peter presenter as Chief Scout
* Numbers in many counties are steadily increasing

- Its starting to get to big, we need more adults with practical skills to help!

Sadly there are pervs and wrong'uns in any section of society but every leader is regularly police checked which is all that any organisation can realsitically do.

As for leaders, yes we are normally a stroppy bunch and I don't know anybody that fits the image most people hold.

I personally hold Elton John :cussing: and Russ Abbot :) to blame for keeping the old image alive, its not true!! :)
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