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Aug 23, 2008
@ spamel
Poaching? I'm sure rabbits and squirrels are widely considered VERMIN and so therfore NOT considered poaching. Maybe you thought I was considering hunting deer? Fair enough then, but this rigid ultra do-goody attitude is simply not right.

@ orgri the trog
I understand that, I really do, but the whole farce here has been started because no one would answer my original question even after a plea.

It's not bloody illegal to answer my two questions. You can contextualize it as mere theory without thinking about it. This place is overly do-goody ...just constructive criticism so don't take it the wrong way.

p.s I am once again asking for someone to address my original thread questions. Thanks.

Ogri the trog

Apr 29, 2005
Mid Wales UK
For someone who once lived on a game farm, I expected a little more background knowledge. Rabbits enjoy the unique position of being classed both as vermin and game, therefore permission is required to take them similarly the methods used to take them are controlled.

Please do not push this.

Ogri the trog


Aug 23, 2008
Okay I stand corrected but as a last stand I say let's use our own logical minds for a moment and consider the possibility that many of these freedom-eroding laws are there to restrict and confine us into living day after day as a worker bee within the economic machine. This is no conspiracy, and is accepted fully by sociologists. Make everything illegal and everyone will keep their heads down and do the 9-5.

Abiding by the obvious essential laws is fine enough.... but don't be a brainwashed worker slave that accepts every unreasonable and absurd and unfair law and legislation, instead exercise your right to eat and forage off YOUR land. It's only illegal because some rich people want the skill forgotten for everyone else so we are totally dependent on their system.

I can even go into great detail about maritime law and personal corporate entity rights which entitle us to have everything free, and exemption from the lands law, but that is a massive esoteric subject that I will not go into here.

And with the economical state of the UK at the moment, it would be responsible and wise to openly talk about animal trapping and foraging for potential future reliance. If not, I would appreciate the PM route. If anyone knows where the rabbits run free, the water runs fast and the people don't go, then PM me ASAP.

Ogri the trog

Apr 29, 2005
Mid Wales UK
As I mentioned earlier, there are many people willing to share their knowledge with all comers to this site, and I expect that many will do in the fullness of time. In a little over two and a half hours you have got many members hackles raised by almost demanding an answer to your query.
Might I suggest that you spend some time reading through the past questions and answers in all parts of this forum, where I expect you will find much information on edible plants and methods of procuring & preparing meat.

I wish you well in your quest.


Ogri the trog


Aug 23, 2008
I actually did a forum search as soon as I joined and while I found many a link, including the one given to me in this thread, not one of them had a simple page with a picture of the plant and accompanying text of it's properties, and required cooking method unfortunately! I've yet to come across a webpage with that type of layout, and exclusive to UK flora. At the moment all I know about edible plants is nettles and pine needle tea with dandelion leaves. The search continues. A

I wouldn't say I demanded, rather I protested the deviation & absurdity of some peoples responses.


Full Member
Jul 16, 2006
Your not quite all there are you mate! A few tinnies short of a six-pack maybe! Have you seen the inside of Broadmore lately?
Understand this, no-one on this site will answer your ridiculous questions and thats what they are! Get a brain for yourself and maybe the guys on here will help you out. if not quit the site because we don't need idiots like you on here! Everyone else is being pretty polite but I don't go for that, but I guess you can see that already!


Aug 23, 2008
Your not quite all there are you mate! A few tinnies short of a six-pack maybe! Have you seen the inside of Broadmore lately?
Understand this, no-one on this site will answer your ridiculous questions and thats what they are! Get a brain for yourself and maybe the guys on here will help you out. if not not quit the site because we don't need idiots like you on here! Everyone else is being pretty polite but I don't go for that, but I guess you can see that!

Ha, typical reaction from an ignorant sky TV brainwashed junk food eating ignorant slob when first encounters a free thinking man. You clearly display your only sources of core information come from your TV screen. What a waste of skin. Now I know it can be hard for such a simple mind such as yours to refrain from getting angry when a belief strut could be on the verge of collapsing but in future do try attacking the message not the messenger. We all expect and deserve to be treated fairly so I hope your behaviour will improve if you so wish to post again to me.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Y'lnow, this has to be one of the most irritating introductions to anyone I've yet encountered here.

You have asked for advice, it has been given, and given by some of the most capable and experienced people.
When the answers you have been given were not those you wanted to hear you resorted to insulting our intelligence.

Now, realising that you will not be given what you want, you try to circumvent the straight answers hoping that someone may yet give you information secretly.

Despite being asked by a Mod to accept that this forum is not the place for you to obtain the information you seek, you persist.

Did you even bother to find out the tone of this forum before you joined ?
We literally have very, very few rules.
One is that any posts must be legally acceptable advice, another is no insulting or flaming of other members, and the last is no political or religious discussion. You've successfully tried all three.

There are *no* definitive guides to edible plants in the UK, not for all areas, for all seasons. This is why such a subject is an on going learning process.

We all know our own areas and know enough that some of that knowledge is transferable to others. You appear to be starting from scratch, for heaven's sake actually open your mind and listen to what you are being told.

What you want to do is not impossible, but the land use is a huge issue in our overcrowded island, and the plants and animals and fish you appear to be prepared to take probably belong to someone else...........why on Earth would they give somone with your attitude permission to forage on their property ? In a week you won't starve though you may very well be incredibly uncomfortable, just avoid the squits and you'll be fine.



Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
<snip>no offense everyone but why so heavy with the nanny ranting? and why the incessant respect and abiding of freedom and culture-eroding laws such as not being allowed to camp wildly on our own land, regardless of it being owned or not. If I want to camp, make fire, and kill game on a small one man scale for a weekend in a corner of a wood I will bloody well do so.

i'm a grown adult who takes responsibility for my own risks and decisions. accept it.
i want you all to see me as someone who really dosn't give a damn about land owning laws unless they are for a clearly acceptable reason/cause such as not camping on agricultural/game plots... or.... or.... ummm, what else? Absurdity.

I think this is maybe where you went wrong. I'm a realist, so are most people here. Do you think everybody has permission to camp? Don't you think some people may "Drop under the radar" for a few nights out? Don't you think that this is where the leave no trace ethic comes into its' own? Maybe it does, I'm not saying any more than that!

You can't come to a new forum and start throwing your teddy in the corner when you get pulled up on it though. Scotland has different land access laws to England and Wales so it may be worth a visit, we're not happy with that, but that's the way it is. Imagine you found a land owner who gave you access to his land and will let you fish the trout in his river, use the wood in his beech woodland for fire wood and hunt his rabbits for your own personal consumption. All he wants is for you to keep the place nice and clean and leave no visible fire scars or rubbish, maybe keep an eye on his livestock and report any damge to his fences. Sound reasonable?

Then, imagine somebody goes onto that land without permission, rips up plants and starts a massive fire, wrecks a few fences gaining access and animals escape, leaves junk everywhere, etc etc. What do you think the land owner will do? He'll stop anyone coming on his land, you included. So because of the thoughtless actions of a minority, you just lost your permission on a fantastic piece of land. Sound unfair?

So, now put yourself in the shoes of the guy who may have worked hard to get the permission on the piece of land you are about to use without permission. Can you now see the point I'm trying to make? You don't have to tell me how frustrating it is not being able to find a bit of land to practise your hobby. That's the Law though, and this forum also has rules.

As for my comments on Mountain Rescue, well, you mentioned a survival blanket as your only means of keeping warm other than a fire and then suggest a week out. Who is gonna come and find you when you don't call in because you are hypothermic? Maybe not Mountain Rescue, but some sort of Emergency Service and that is a situation that could have been avoided. It's great to test yourself, don't get me wrong, but do it responsibly. Consider the implications your actions could have on other people.

And taking any animal from land you don't have permission on is poaching, if you use even an air rifle it becomes armed trespass. Know the Law before you put yourself in a situation you really don't want to be in. ;)


Full Member
Jul 16, 2006
Try putting yourself through a structured course first, in fact why am I bothering to tell you this (even though I am a Survival Instructor) because you won't listen anyway!


Aug 23, 2008
I don't spend money on courses. I self-learn everything and have gotten to the top of my game on one or two subjects/activities from doing it on my own.

As for my comments on Mountain Rescue, well, you mentioned a survival blanket as your only means of keeping warm other than a fire and then suggest a week out. Who is gonna come and find you when you don't call in because you are hypothermic? Maybe not Mountain Rescue, but some sort of Emergency Service and that is a situation that could have been avoided. It's great to test yourself, don't get me wrong, but do it responsibly. Consider the implications your actions could have on other people.

No I used a thermal blanket for the night out, because I knew the fire wall would deflect the heat into my shelter, which by the way was a 6-piece frame with leafy branches woven. I was very warm. The only thing was that ALL the wood was rotten so I had to basically stay awake to keep feeding it into the fire. I only had literally 30 mins to construct the shelter and find all the firewood before it got dark. Silly timing mistake but I did fine.

back on "topic"
I still think it's being blown out of preportion. As if a first choice for wild camping would be in the vicinity of a game/agricultural farm. And I hoped you could of sensed my general attitude earlier on to know I wouldn't litter or cause damage. Pulling out crops is something I wouldn't dream of doing after working on a game farm and getting to know several local farmers there.

This law is utterly unreasonable to the highest of highest. I would of hoped at the very least people would openly discuss the legally prohibited activities. It takes a bit of mindset adjustment to even entertain the idea of picking and choosing what laws are absolutely not right, and a lot of adjustment to actually go against the grain and "fight" the absurdity as you face it.

Call it anarchism, immaturity, or I wouldn't put it passed some people nowadays to call out terrorist, but know this - it is right

Barn Owl

Old Age Punk
Apr 10, 2007

We'd all like to live outwith the rules at times,but we have to respect what others have or do with the flora and fauna under their ownership.

living outside the rules just doesn't work.

You'll get on much better by asking and explaining your intentions to landowners.

Such respect can go a long way in getting the most out of what is,lets face it our hobby.

There is a great deal you could pick up on here and many good people who could show you a few tricks of the trade,so to speak.Even if you've been a countryman for years.


Dec 15, 2005
Firstly I am in dire need of a suitable location ideally in the midlands area but within the borders of wales and scotland to avoid the ridiculous train fair costs. The location must be completely devoid of human activity for at least a square mile, have abundant edible plant life, thriving game animals, and have fast moving water sources for drinking water.

Secondly, after searching google all day without joy, I am in need of some sort of guide to english edible plant life. Free information ideally, as I have already spent stupid amounts on the kit. A web page URL would be ideal!

Any help would be great, thanks!

Hi d3v - welcome to the site

You`ve got to realise that we live on a tiny island with far too many people occupying it. With over 60 million (last count) of us crammed onto such a small piece of rock, the kind of locations you`re searching for simply don`t exist hear anymore. Unless you`re prepared to travel to the two places you`ve stated you won`t go then it`ll probably be a none starter to be honest. The most remote parts of the UK in my opinion have to be over the border in bonny Scotland, but even then your not exactly in Alaska and you`ll probably meet at least one person a day.
There are plenty of locations you can find to do your thing otherwise there wouldn`t be so many of us on here, but unfortunately every piece of land in the UK belongs to somebody and that somebody has the right to know what you`re up to. Obviusly you don`t like these facts and I don`t think anybody on here will change your views, good on you for being strong minded and I hope you find what you`re looking for.

Alternatively you could hang around here for a bit, try to befriend some members near to you then take it from there. You never know you might actually enjoy what we do.

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