Have women evolved so much?

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Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
Hehe Wifey would like kitchen ware to, last birthday i got her a gun safe, a tall one with the small bolt safe in the top. one before a new set of tyres for her landy, and before that a week two week free fall course(but i was working then) i think she would actualy be happy with a blender, makes mageretas in no time.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Trust me Mary, as I said I think the idea that alll women are the same (or all men for that matter) is absurd. My wife was a FTSE 100 company director in her 20s. Why on earth would that mean she shouldn't take pride in her cooking or gardening? No I have have never bought her a washing machine - but I did buy her a sewing machine to make her own clothes with - because she asked for one. She bought me (us) 20 yards of industrial racking to store tools and equipment on. Does that mean we are gender stereotyped? No it doesn't. It does mean though that we listen to each others needs and aren't conditioned by some post modernist "all people are equal" rubbish. They aren't. They might be entitled to equal opportunity, but that doesn't mean they have the same skills, abilities or desires.

I split logs
My wife does the ironing

Because we like it that way


She does plumbing
I do electrical work

I am a better fullbore shot
She is a better small bore shot

I cook a better chilli
She cooks a better lemon chicken

What does that equate to?

It means we are a couple with are own set of values. We absolutely don't believe in some absurd notion of "feminism" any more than we do "masculism". The evidence of our own lives is that people make their own luck. Neither of us has had our jobs handed to us. I have no more than "O Levels", BB has no degree. But neither of us has found any bar to work, or advancement or pay, beyond our own abilities and willingness to put some effort in.

We also have a shared value set that each other come first and we don't do snide little digs - in public or private. Our relationship is too important to us for that. Other people have other values, that's fine for them but not for us. We don't believe in "isms". The battles of socialism and feminism were over years ago. We are both living proof of that. Fighting a battle long since over is actually "harking back to the 50s".

Agent Provocateur is far too expensive too burn :D

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Thinking on, I was the only person bought a kitchen appliance - my Excalibur dehydrator (in ninja masculine tactical black naturally)

Superb bit of kit!

Still want the Kenwood though :(


Need to contact Admin...
Apr 16, 2008
Albeit that there is a large degree of crossover, it's total bollox to dismiss gender differences. It's also very true that historically the contribution to society made by women has been undervalued. It's a moot point whether or not the female contribution to civilisation is greater, lesser or equal to the male contribution. I'd be willing to accept a considered argument in favour of the POV that women were the superiors of males, however that doesn't mean that there are not basic differences in outlook between men and women. There are absolutely no gender restrictions on participation in forums like British Blades, but how many women subscribe? Women clothes shop as a leisure activity!


On a new journey
Aug 29, 2007
okay guys lets cut to the chase men are definatly the underdog in the race for the better sex

why well cos with out the most important woman in my life i wouldnt be the man i am today. cos yes i dont have a wife but mum is definatly not a woman to mess with as mary will testify being a mum herself and knowing what lads are like.
now lets move on to the girlfriend who well puts up with me and i am hyperactive u know and have an inability to not buy the next piece of shiny outdoor gear.

yes me and the girlfriend are equal and always will be and we help each other in anyway we can but please note we are also individual.

so my question is this and that even tho women do get tret like the underdogm, (by some men not me or anyone i know) is it in fact us men trying to hide the fact that they are actually better than we are, the reason i ask is cos my grandma had a saying and that was "behind every super great man there is a woman some were" and i agree cos with out the above two woman i wouldnt be the man i am cos they have either brought me up and help me with any problems or has been my solemate and bestfriend.

your opinions please


Feb 10, 2009
The battles of socialism and feminism were over years ago. We are both living proof of that. Fighting a battle long since over is actually "harking back to the 50s". :D

British Red, kind of behind the times yourself, mate.
The fact that you are disgracefully uninformed or simply couldn't care less about current socio/political issues and social problems... like gender discrimination and glaring inequalities and victimisation in the workplace, poverty, below breadline wages and exponential growth of part-time employment, affecting women in general far more than any other section of society, doesn't make these problems go away.

All it means is that it doesn't bother you so long as you remain blissfully ignorant!

I think it was Stanley Baldwin, a Tory, who said...
"Socialism! Of course it's Socialism! Every single act of human kindness is an act of Socialism!"

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Pango, there are laws surrounding gender inequality and victimisation in the workplace - and very onerous penalties. As for part time work I agree. The more so since I have had many, many women on my staff request to change to part time hours - far more so than men. Do shady practices still happen? Sure they do - however there are sufficient laws in place to adress them. Its laso true that many women choose to be "stay at home mums", take part time work through choice, or do jobs they enjoy for lower wages as they are not primary breadwinners. Its nice to see those choices gradually extending to men (I now know a couple of stay at home dads - but very few)

There all also plenty of women out in the workplace holding down great jobs - or running their own successful businesses if the jobs they want are not there - including my own wife.

I'm not ignorant of issues (any more than I am about the blatant inequality of the awarding of custody of children or maintenance payments disproportionately to women), but there is no battle to be had as to the legal principle and indeed the enactment of said laws is in place. It just needs people of courage to challenge law breaking when it occurs.

I just don't recognise these weak, down trodden women who cannot get a good job - or these evil opressing men that keep them there. I do know that I was delighted to find the smart professional and highly skilled contractor who used to work for me was the wife of a member here and that he was at home taking care of the family. Thats the world I live in.


Apr 29, 2003
Lake District
It's littered with lovely quotes from some of the old masters.

This one caught my eye for some reason.

I have once or twice alluded to ladies walking and camping. It is thoroughly practical for them to do so. They must have a wagon and do none of the heavy work; their gowns must not reach quite to the ground, and all of their clothing must be free and easy. Of course, there must be gentlemen in the party; and it may save annoyance to have at least one of the ladies well-nigh “middle-aged.”

John Gould, 1877
Have women really evolved that much since then....

Hahaha, Wayland, I think the real question is...have men!? :p. Clearly this quote reflects the attitudes of men at this time not women...I wonder what a woman would have written, had she been free to express her views of men (or represent her own sex) at this time? :rolleyes:


Feb 10, 2009
Yea, British Red, you'd get a Human Resources Diploma for that statement... or do you already have one?

By the way, my wife, a term which I rarely use as she has a name, is a highly successful London Barrister practising in Family Law and Child Protection.
She has Black Girl Attitude, and nobody messes with The Black Girl!

She is one of the most caring and diligently conscientious people I have ever known, and she and her friends in the profession have certainly challenged my previously held views of Big City Lawyers. They know The Law back to front and are eternally frustrated at its injustice!
There are more committed Socialists amongst them than you would ever have found in a Miner's Club!

I've heard the horror stories and seen the tears, the week-long soul searching, the trade in support phone calls between friends, working through the night, then getting out the door at 4 am and returning at midnight day after day after day! That's commitment!

I for one couldn't do their job and sleep in my bed at night.

Have women evolved at all?
.........I'll get my coat.

Grayfox, I know mate, like most I've body-swerved the Evolution of Women Theory route.
I've been sitting with my fingers crossed hoping Prof Richard Dawkins doesn't get wind of this thread.

I hear he's trying to get The Pope charged with Crimes Against Humanity! :rofl:
Last edited:

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Yea, British Red, you'd get a Human Resources Diploma for that statement... or do you already have one?

Now that's plain hurtful :D

When I left my last client the HR lot were worried they would need less staff ;). To be fair though my fave one also invited me round for lunch.


Need to contact Admin...
Apr 16, 2008
Right! MY wife can pull a four hundred pound coal cart whilst breastfeeding twins, she lectures in quantum physics at a charity school for ethnic minority orphans. I am so socialist that I was once arrested near a coal mine on suspicion of being Arthur Scargill's left plimsoll. Despite also being a rich lawyer (I'm not back handed bragging, oh no!) I exist on the same diet of mealy meal as displaced Ugandans and sleep in a cardboard box in my garden. I am probably more socialist than ANY poster here, no problem, so lets talk about me for the next twenty non-bushcraft related posts. Thanks!


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